Nutmeg – hallucinogenic viagra?

Historically used to treat nausea and diarrhea, nutmeg (Semen Myristicae) was also reputed to be useful in treating male sexual dysfunction. A recent study by Tajuddin et al tested a weak nutmeg compound in rats. Male sexual performance was significantly improved.

Used to flavour cakes and custards, nutmeg is also used to induce hallucinogenic stupors. It’s active oil contains myristicin and elemicin. These are psychotropic chemicals that are broken down to compounds similar to amphetamines. *see below

In cooking (even with a generous chef) the quantities used are far too low to affect the consumer, so intoxication is generally intentional.

Nutmeg is not a gentle drug. In lower doses (less than 1 tablespoon) it can cause mild euphoria. In large doses (2 to 6 tablespoons), it can cause “nutmeg psychosis” including visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations, headaches and nausea – not to mention paranoia and violent anger. Effects can last several days after ingestion. Nutmeg has been linked to several deaths (though generally other drugs were contributing factors).

It tastes nice as a flavouring, but I am truly impressed that anyone actually managed to choke down enough tablespoons to discover these hallucinogenic effects. it’s probably the taste, texture and the negative side effects that have kept it’s popularity as a recreational drug to a minimum.

Tasty desserts, better performanc, euphoria and violent panic attacks. Viagra just can’t compete.

* Recent research suggests that these chemicals may not act like amphetamine derivatives (see comments). Current mechanisms for action are unknown.


Beyer J, Ehlers D, Maurer HH. (2006) Abuse of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.): studies on the metabolism and the toxicologic detection of its ingredients elemicin, myristicin, and safrole in rat and human urine using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Ther Drug Monit. 28(4):568-75.

Forrester MB. (2005) Nutmeg intoxication in Texas, 1998-2004. Hum Exp Toxicol. 24(11):563-6.

McKenna A, Nordt SP, Ryan J.(2004) Acute nutmeg poisoning.
Eur J Emerg Med. 11(4):240-1.

Stein U, Greyer H, Hentschel H(2001) Nutmeg (myristicin) poisoning–report on a fatal case and a series of cases recorded by a poison information centre. Forensic Sci Int. 118(1):87-90.

Tajuddin, Ahmad S, Latif A, Qasmi IA, Amin KM. (2005) An experimental study of sexual function improving effect of Myristica fragrans Houtt. (nutmeg). BMC Complement Altern Med. 5, pg16.


Filed under Curious Science, Kitchen Science, Science

66 responses to “Nutmeg – hallucinogenic viagra?

  1. Many years ago (in Palmerston North, of course) some friends of mine decided it would be fun to experiment with nutmeg. I only learned about this the following week at school, after hearing that one of them was taken to hospital with concussion.

    According to those present, he consumed a large quantity of nutmeg, “freaked out”, and attacked a tree, loudly & profanely accusing it of insulting him. Witnesses report that he & the tree were fairly evenly matched until he attempted to head-butt it.

    I always wondered if they were stretching the truth … it looks as though they weren’t.

  2. “Nutmeg psychosis” strikes again!

  3. leniens

    Please read the references you give.
    You wrote:”These are psychotropic chemicals that are broken down to compounds similar to amphetamines.”
    According to ref. 1 given above, this is not correct.

  4. I assume you refer to the conclusions of the paper which read “these [nutmeg] metabolites are not amphetamine derivatives as described in the 1970s”.

    The paper relates only to the metabolites of nutmeg (and amphetamine) detectable in human urine. It concludes that nutmeg does not form exactly the same metabolites as amphetamines. This is expected as it the active ingredients in nutmeg are not amphetamines.

    While not identical, the metabolites of nutmeg and amphetamine both act on the dopamine and seratonin pathways.

    The derivatives of nutmeg have a similar effect on the psychology of the human body as do amphetamines (or amphetamine derivatives).

    But to make it more clear I could change the line “These are psychotropic chemicals that are broken down to compounds similar to amphetamines” to “These are psychotropic chemicals that are broken down to compounds with similar effects in humans to amphetamine derivatives”. It’s just not as catchy.

  5. leniens

    “I assume you refer to the conclusions of the paper which read “these [nutmeg] metabolites are not amphetamine derivatives as described in the 1970s”.”

    I do not only mean this sentence, the study itself showed that the nutmeg ingredients are NOT metabolized to amphetamine derivatives.

    “The paper relates only to the metabolites of nutmeg (and amphetamine) detectable in human urine. It concludes that nutmeg does not form exactly the same metabolites as amphetamines. This is expected as it the active ingredients in nutmeg are not amphetamines.”

    The paper describes the metabolism of nutmeg ingredients in rat and human urine. It does NOT conclude that the metabolites are identical to the metabolites of amphetamine, it does conclude that the metabolites are NOT amphetamine derivatives itself. This proposed mechanism of amination of these compounds is often described in book, but has never been proven.

    “While not identical, the metabolites of nutmeg and amphetamine both act on the dopamine and seratonin pathways.”

    How can you know that? Nobody knows if these metabolites act on the dopaminergic or serotonergic system!!

    “The derivatives of nutmeg have a similar effect on the psychology of the human body as do amphetamines (or amphetamine derivatives).”

    Here again, nobody has proven any mechanism of action on human central nervous system!!!

    “But to make it more clear I could change the line “These are psychotropic chemicals that are broken down to compounds similar to amphetamines” to “These are psychotropic chemicals that are broken down to compounds with similar effects in humans to amphetamine derivatives”. It’s just not as catchy.”

    As described above, you can not argue that, because this is not proven. As a scientist, please be careful with such arguements…

  6. I think we are in agreement that the reference says that the metabolites of nutmeg found in human and rat urine are not the same as those from amphetamines (perhaps re-read my previous comment). BTW, similar does not mean identical.

    I don’t (and generally can’t) know anything for sure. However based on the research to date, I am proposing what I believe to be the most plausible theory. As with most people fighting through the disagreements in science.

    I’m surprised that you haven’t picked up a thousand more “theories” in the post – such as it has not been “proven” that myristicin and elemicin are the active psychotropic (to human) chemicals – it is just very likely.

    Similarly, while data correlates improved sexual function in rats given nutmeg extracts, this is a theory, not proof as such.

    I think that much of science is based on theories eg. the theory of evolution. It’s almost impossible to prove but most people follow the best theory which fits (or they believe fits) the data known at the moment.

    Given that the symptoms of nutmeg abuse are similar to those of amphetamine abuse, and several people feel that the actions may be similar, I believe (until further evidence shows otherwise) that nutmeg metabolites are similar to amphetamine metabolites.  Not identical. Just similar.

  7. Hi Leniens,

    I have just done a search on you and found you are one of the authors on the reference in question (cool – I like your work!).

    Since you don’t seem to agree that these compounds are like amphetamine derivatives, or create the same psychological symptoms as amphetamines, what do you think is happening?

    I did find another person who felt the metabolites were more like ecstasy than amphetamines – is this a view you prefer?

  8. Leniens

    I just can give a short answer due to a stressful work at the moment.
    On the conference (clinical toxicology) I presented the metabolism of the nutmeg ingredients, I was asked a quite similar question.
    I can not definitely answer the question about the mechanism of action of these ingredients and their metabolites.
    It is quite unlikely that these compounds act on serotonine, noradrenaline, or dopamine receptors, they do not have any nitrogen.
    Most probable, the mechanism of action is unspecific. These compouds (e.g. myristicin, elemicin, safrole) are very lipophilic, perhaps they act directly on cell membranes, as for example alcohol does too.

    I agree, you that you can follow any theory that sounds nice for you. But if the someone has proven that black is white, you have to accept it.
    My study has shown that these amphetamine derivative theory (including all similar compounds) is wrong.
    So now we have to do some more research, but we can no longer argue that probably compounds similar to amphetamine might be a mechanism of action.

    Please understand why I had to submit a comment. Many people still argue this wrong way, but you cited my paper.

    Jochen Beyer

  9. Hi Jochen,

    Sorry for the delay in replying – I was at a conference.

    Thanks for the further info – I’ll add a codicil to the original post to reflect this. I’ll be interested in following any new theories for the mechanism of activity.

    I completely understand why you commented – I would probably do the same if I felt someone was mis-representing something I had written.

    When I write something, I like to include in the reference list papers which may not agree with a line I have taken – thus if people want to know more they can make up their own mind.

  10. Lets just say im an intrueged lab rat.I have re-read & re-read this paper and preformed a human experiment.I have drank 3 tblspoons of nutmeg mixed with moutain dew.I highly doubt anything will occur but if anything does occur i will surly let you hypothesis is that is will be like MDMA.although it is highly unprobable

  11. Umm… Are you OK? 3 tablespoons seems like a very large amount.

  12. DR. Phil

    You must not have read much on nutmeg before ingesting the amount of 3 tbsp. This amount can be potentially fatal.

    Think of it in terms of nuts. The drug-like effects of nutmegs can be achieved by eating 1-1.5 nuts. You ate roughly 2.5-3 nuts. Very high dosage to start with when first testing nutmeg. In fact, hallucinogens are no joke — if you test a hallucinogen, start with small doses and work your way up.

    Good luck.

  13. Iro

    Heratio Sanchez, are you still with us?


  14. Mitch G

    Hello all. I was excited to find this string and would like to ask for help. I am a graduate student with a grant to research the anxiolytic effects of the Nutmeg extract, Myristicin. Most of the literature I am able to find supports an anxiogenic effect. Has anyone come across research to support an anxiolytic effect? (by the way, I didn’t write the grant, and my research chair is set on this angle). We would like to apply this research to the field of anesthesia, and attempt to correlate any behavioral effects to the GABAa receptor.

    Any ideas?

  15. Alex

    Some friends and I in college ate several nutmeg nuts, some of us grinding them first and some of us just eating them. The effects were nothing even close to a hallucinogen. There was a general feeling of the world slowing down, perhaps something akin to taking a small amount of marijuana. I have heard that if the nutmeg is ground that there is no effect. I’m not sure why that would be. All in all, the difficulty in eating a bunch of ill tasting nuts is not worth the effect. Spend slightly more and find your local pothead instead.

  16. t o b e

    The 17-year old me figured out a way to take large doses of nutmeg which involved mixing fresh, chopped or grated nutmegs into a toffee-like sugar solution. When dropped into cold water from a spoon you get something not unlike sugar pills (full of nutmeg). Even then I only managed 2 whole nutmegs.. the flavour saturates you.. but can testify to their mildly euphoric effects.

  17. Pingback: Allucinogeni in cucina « Panettore

  18. Lem

    Hi all..

    Nutmeg was my favourite drug back in high school. I’m actually fascinated by it, and want to some day find out its mechanism of action.

    I calculated (from diary entries) that I consumed 2kg of nutmeg over a period of about 2 years. My smallest psychoactive dose was 1 kernel (~4-5g), my biggest dose was 11 kernels (55g). Yes, that’s 11 kernels.

    Tolerance to nutmeg’s psychoactive effects develops with weekly usage. Most of my usage was 2-4 kernels, then towards the latter part, I increased that to 6 kernels, then 7, 8, 9 and finally 11. After that experience (which I awoke fine the next day), I only used ~6 kernels.

    I always used freshly ground (or chewed.. didn’t have time or the privacy to grate a lot of the time – parents!), never pre-ground.

    Jochen, I have a copy of your paper. I have intended to do a literature review of nutmeg at some point to see if I can put forward a hypothesis of its mechanism of action, based also around my personal experience with it. Currently I feel it has effects on the dopamine/noradrenalin (palpitations), serotonin (increased empathy, mild visual distortions) and acetylcholine systems (due to anticholinergic effects like dry mucous membranes), and possibly others (sedation).

  19. that sounds really interestimng!

  20. I took 10 grams of ground nutmeg 3 hours ago and am now expiercing mild euphoria. It feels alot like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are all involved based on increased energy, focus, and empathy toward others. I also feel relaxed at the same time, mabe from antichlonergenic and serotogenic action.

    I’m taking another 5 grams now. I will post again in about 3 hours.

  21. I have read all I can about nutmeg and am now doing my own expierment. I took 10 grams of ground nutmeg 3 hours ago and am now expierencing mild euphoria. It seems like dopamine, norepinepherine, and serotonin are all involved based on increased energy, focus, and empathy towards others. I also feel relaxed. Mabe antichlonergenic and serotongenic action.

    I’m taking another 10 grams now. I will post again in about 4 hours.

  22. lol, sorry about the double post. I feel mildly stoned. My mouth is very dry and my eyes are blood shot. Had a great time with friends and girlfriend. I feel relaxed and sleepy, and my limbs are kinda heavy. My nose is dry. So far its alot like a mild THC buzz. Deffinetly anticlonergenic.

  23. This is very up-to-date information. I think I’ll share it on Twitter.

  24. Lem

    I consumed 5g of fresh nutmeg the other weekend. Notable effects included closed-eye movies (like imagination except a bit more vivid and more automatic), heavy intoxicated feeling (half way between cannabis and alcohol), lightened mood, increased dynamic range perception with music, increased appreciation and reaction to humour, increase in empathy and very sound sleep. Effects lasted for 24 hours with a lingering “still something there” feeling up to 36 hours.

    Some of the effects, like the closed-eye movies, increased appreciation of humour, and increased empathy, sound similar to the amphetamine analogues of myristicin (MMDA), safrole (MDA), and elemicin (TMA). Read in PiHKAL for the effects of those amphetamines.

  25. tom

    I ate three ground nuts for my first time after doing some research and it served me well. I think I could take more, but three made me feel fairly body stoned for 24 hours. I’d recommend it if you have that time to spare

  26. why not?

    The other morning my husband made a smoothie with pear apples, dried mangos, water, yerba matte green tea steeped overnight, and unbeknownst to me, nutmeg (later he asked if i was high and confessed he was high too and that he put a pod of nutmeg split between us)was the secret ingredient.

    The first few hours of the day i felt pretty clear and happy at a job i did. around 1pm i had a pilates class in which i was more focused than usual, connecting my brain to my toes/arches very well. after i started to feel like my right front lobe of my brain was moving around and pushing on my right eye, kind of like i my brain was creating new pathways. my eyes became very stoney-like marijuana. And I felt silly, funny, smart, happy, creative and high. I then walked down the street and strolled into a seventies vintage store…i walked out with a whole new outfit and a part of me came out as i walked down the street. I became truly inspired by a vintage amulet necklace i purchased there. I was having all sorts of creative visions and inspirations. I spoke to a friend on the phone and shared some more ideas i had about getting a group together for our friends in our community to share the new evolution of humans into our whole selves and to support this new movement we have all been experiencing figuring out how to live without playing roles.

    so around 4pm i had my husband come get me…i was feeling really high by then, increasingly it felt more like shrooms, like my heart was starting to blast open into space. i found it challenging t0 figure out what and how to cook for dinner and put in the kids lunches for the next day. i felt like i was really in my right brain but i tried really hard to do some left brain focus and i was able to ground myself. This is when i found out i was on nutmeg. i thought i was just having an awesome day!

    today, a week later i was at a friends house and she made coffee with cream and agave nectar. we put a few dashes of ground nutmeg into our cup. that was 6 hours ago. I definitely got mildly high and feel open and expansive, i little dry eyed/mouthed, and felt like sharing my experience. i wonder if caffeine with the nutmeg might have increased its effects. i have to admit, my interest is peaked in working with its gifts. it doesnt have any of that bad coming off feeling i remember from x or speed that i experimented a little with, maybe because you can sleep on it and it lasts so long and dwindles its effects slowly. and its much more functionable and motivational than chronic marijuana, for me anyway. at least in the smaller dosage that i took… i think i had a quarter to a third of a pod freshly blended.

    And i have to say im feeling pretty good right now on only a few dashes in a cup of coffee. i recommend it for fellow pms-ers (those of us on our moon cycle) or anyone who might have the occasional mood swing. seems to a have a nice balancing effect. but i think one time a week is enough in small doses. Maybe it can be used consciously to birth new ideas or dive into creative projects. nothing else has ever appealed to me to use respectfully in this way. Im not a drug user or abuser and barely have a drink but a tequila once in a while. im more interested in more clarity than distraction and numbness. it can be worked with as a plant medicine or guide, more ritualistically. it feels very clean and high in vibration.

  27. why not?

    does anyone know of any other plant medicines that has a similar functional and conscious effect?

  28. Lem

    Nice experience report there. Nutmeg is definitely a unique substance. It’s surprising to hear how sensitive you are to its effects (or, how potent the nutmeg you have is). Caffeine may have something to do with its effects; when reading about it years ago, I remember the negative (highly intense) reports mentioning washing the nutmeg down with caffeinated beverages like Coke.

    *volunteers self for scientific purposes* 🙂

  29. I am still trying to figure out what gives nutmeg it’s physycoactive properties. I’m fairly sure it’s not amphetamine-like derivatives but the some of the effects especially between 4 and 7 hours remind me mildly of extascy.

    I still contribute the increased energy, focus and rapid heart rate to an interaction between dopegenic and adrenic systoms, most likely indirectly. The empathy is likely tied with the serotonin system, mabe directly or downstream of other actions. Some of the buzz also reminds me of hydrocodone and runners high, so mabe peptide release or direct action at the mu receptor is possible hear too. Bloodshot eyes, dry mouth, and dry mucous membrains all point toward anti-cholergenic action, as does the stoned effect. Anamide (natural THC) may also be involved like in runner’s high.

    I took 20 grams (5 nuts) 3.5 hours ago, and starting to feel silly. I may be able to post later tonight, and if not tomorrow.

  30. Currently expiercing strong waves of tingiling sensations accompanied by bursts of euphoria. T+3.75 hours

  31. Lem

    Definitely working! Enjoy the experience. Do what you love to do.

    On a more academic note, this article by Branden & Nichols: investigates the binding of serine residues in the 5-HT2A receptor to various hallucinogens. They note that polar substituents on the aromatic ring of hallucinogens such as DOI interact with particular serine residues.

    Safrole, elemicin and myristicin all have polar substituents on the aromatic ring, so they may indeed interact with 5-HT2A receptors, but as incomplete (ant)agonists, causing their own unique change in intracellular signalling, resulting in the classic effects of nutmeg (that the above poster is experiencing :D).

    Hopefully I’ve interpretted the paper correctly, but it sounds to me like some receptor binding assays are in order.

    Jochen, what do you think of your discovered metabolites binding with 5-HT2A receptors?

  32. Got into some closed eye visuals and open eye streamers. Euphoria has become constant, resting heart rate is about 106 beats per minute according to home tredmil. Everythings just seems staight-up silly and strange. My spelling mistakes above like hear instead of here are crackin me up:) Going to girlfriend’s house now, shes driving!!, I’ll post tomorrow. T+400 hours

  33. T+28 hours I think- I have felt very mellow and relaxed all day today and continuing tonight. This reminds me of a mild THC buzz rite now, as has today since I woke up. Last night I had the classic 3 hours of straight euphoria from T+4 hours to T+7 hours, accompanied by lots of energy and excitability. There was some closed eye visuals and open-eye streamers during this time. Tactile sensations were very much enhanced, most reminds me of the time I tried Extascy. So far, it all sounds like this activity could be at least in part due to serotonin modulation with 5 htp 2A receptors being primary targets. Same with the closed eye visuals and streamers.

    After 7 hours, I became pretty sedated and stoned with pronounced red eye and serious cotton mouth. My thinking was pretty scambled in a good, well at least fun way. At this point it became hard to carry on a conversation and I went to sleep around T+9 hours. Woke up today around T+18 hours with no school, work or general responsibility. I have pretty much watched T.V. all day with little motivation to do anything else.

  34. Nutmeg in a very enjoyable and unique experience. I do a few tablespoons at about 4:00pm every oher day so I’m tripping when I get in bed.

    I have one of my most enjoyable high dose trips written in full detail on

  35. Pingback: Nutmeg OD « Cakehead Loves Evil

  36. Christine

    Hope this site is still active as most of the dates I have seen are older. My husband has bad hemrroids and today a nurse recommended taking nutmeg as a cure. She said that her whole family, including herself has used nutmeg to dry them up and swears by it. She said she had used a teaspoon full though the others usually used 2 teaspoons full. Then she called her father to check that she had the dosage right and he said tablespoons instead of teaspoons. This got me onto the web to see what I could find out and found out that such high dosages could be harmfull. I didn’t know it could be used as a recreational drug. He is being treated for depression and traumatic stress syndrome as well as having had an abdominal aortic annurysm (sp?). Now I am not so sure about him trying it. If anyone has any information or refferences on this usage for nutmeg, I would like to know about it. Thanks.

  37. Lem

    Christine, nutmeg in larger doses (in the tablespoon range) is very likely to cause constipation, which is definitely not what you want in haemorrhoids. In doses of less than or equal to one teaspoon of freshly powdered nutmeg per day it should not be a problem. This dosage would also be mildly antidepressant. Be cautious if he’s on antidepressant medication, not that I expect interactions at lower doses, but always better to be safe. I will point out again that freshly grated/powdered nutmeg (i.e. you buy the whole kernels and grate them yourself) will work best, especially for recreational purposes.

  38. What sort of music do you like? cp topsite

  39. Cynthia

    All interesting info on usage, thanks for currentlyonnutmeg, awesome readng. But does anyone have any information on the viagra effect please? I have read where a group of prisoners in a jail in Europe took nutmeg as a hallicenogenic drug and found that in had one side effect – they all had erections that lasted 38 hours ! (that in itself would be an interesting story). Has anyone tried it instead of viagre? does it work? any side effects? I need the info for a book I’m writing

    • Lem

      Cynthia, as far as my experience and observation goes, erections can easily be produced and maintained under the influence of nutmeg, but they’re not automatic, and subside when sexual stimulation ceases. I have not heard or read about any cases of priapism (an involuntary and sustained erection) due to nutmeg use.

      • Cynthia

        Thank you Lem. Do you know whether the erection stimulated by nutmeg gives the same sexual pleasure? I was fascinated with your comments on priapism and of course my mind went wondering. Maybe there was another reason the prisoners in that jail sustained erections for 36 hours !

      • Lem

        Definitely an increase in sexual pleasure. Nutmeg can be fairly empathogenic, so pleasurable forms of touch are usually moreso under the influence of it. Overall sexual function however seems to be normal, as in after orgasm, an erection will subside normally.

        I could understand prisoners being more sexually active under the influence of nutmeg, since they’d be feeling better about themselves and their mates, so you know, one thing leads to another.. 😉

      • Cynthia

        Thank you so much for that Lem. It’s a fascinating subject isn’t t?

      • Lem

        Fascinating indeed, and usually a lot of fun. What is the book you’re writing Cynthia?

      • Cynthia

        If you are in Australia you may be familiar with them but the publisher is just about to sell us nternationaly (he’s in UK and USA now doing just that). I write with my daughter, Ten book published, we’ve had 4 on the best selling list. The latest were ‘Feed Your Family for $75 a week”, “Feed Yourself for $35 a week”, “Clean just about everything for next to nothing” and I’m working on a health one and wll be doing a short segment with a current affair programme this week on natural reedies – things you can grab from the cupboard to fix problems. I used the nutmeg story in a book I wrote in 1999, along with a cartoon caption. The artists had a good sense of humour so you can just imagine the X rated cartoons she came up with before we had to tone it down for the book. Are you in Australia? I’ll send you a copy.

      • Cynthia

        It crossed my mind some time ago that there is a book in that subject alone, I’ve been thinking of that for a long time. Men who eat a lot of red meat can have erection problems as they get older, I was interested to find in researching nugmeg that Muslims use it. They may not embrace alcohol but they certainly favour nutmeg. My thoughts…………. beware any chap who invites you for dinner and serves you 3 courses heavily laced wth nutmeg (or get excited, depending on interest in the chap involved). In some areas the Muslims call it the ‘loose woman spice’.

      • Lem

        I am in Australia actually, less than 200km north east of you. I’ll drop you an email via your site..

        As for the red meat and impotence with aging thing, from memory it’s to do with a general inflammatory state in the body (red meat being a good source of arachidonic acid, which is a precursor to inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes), causing issues with the vascular system in the penis, which obviously directly affects the ability to produce an erection. The high fat content and potential for athersclerosis would likely contribute to this also. I haven’t got any references for this at present though.

        Being invited to a nutmeg dinner by someone would certainly be exciting, lol. Although a nutmeg breakfast would be better, considering the 2-3 hour latency between ingestion and effects 🙂

      • Cynthia

        Haha, that hilarious. It’s the ‘chicken and egg’ theory. I’m ver interested in your comments, are you a general researcher?

  40. Lem

    Farewell Cynthia..

    She died from heart attack on May 21, 2012.

  41. Trieditafewtimes.

    I saw Dr. Oz recommend nutmeg for mild sexual dysfunction. My wife is on anti-anxiety medication and has some reduced desire. The dose was fairly small and I took some too. Well, it sure worked for here and I enjoyed it immensely as well. The dry mouth was pretty awful but for me, well worth it. It was a bit difficult to time since you had to take it 3-5 hours before and you might not want to drive or anything close to when it would start to work. At any rate, my wife said she hated the feeling and stated it was mildly like pot (I don’t have any experience with that). So, I liked it but my wife threw it out when I was out of town. A bit of a bummer since I had filled all those gel-caps by hand. If you eat it the flavor is very intense, with the pills only the belches get you.

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  45. Mahmud

    Please describe the detailed procedure of taking nutmeg

    • Lem

      Whole kernels (maximum 1 kernel for the first time) are either powdered, or chewed in halves with a mouthful of a milky drink (legume, nut or dairy milks).

      The reason why pre-powdered nutmeg doesn’t work (or work as well) is because the essential oil is a major active constituent. The essential oil evaporates quite easily from pre-powdered nutmeg. So, whole kernels should always be used.

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